Many new users of Twitter are constantly asking how they can use the site more effectively for their business and since the site has grown into an Internet mega monster that is globally known and talked about, they are right to ask.
The fact is Twitter is a fantastic tool for your business.
Internet relationships are very different from actual personal relationships.
They are based primarily on like, know, and trust.
Many people are reaching out to others through social network websites like Twitter, Facebook and many others.
If you are new to Twitter you may not realize that you can create your personal or business brand and virtually dominate your market, simply by building a list of followers.
Let’s talk about some of the ways you can you achieve this.
Once you’ve set up your Twitter account you will want to work on your profile. This way you can quickly customize the look and feel of your page.
You will want to pay close attention to your one line bio. Because this is what people will read before they decide whether or not they want to follow you.
You will only have 160 characters to describe who you are and what you do, so you have to make it good!
The next thing you will want to do is get ‘followers’. If you have business contacts that are already using Twitter, invite them to follow you.
Put link’s in your emails, on your websites and blogs asking people to follow you.
You could even put your Twitter url on your business card, so that you can gather followers offline as well.
Don’t be shy tell everyone you meet about your Twitter page.
Make is sound exciting and let them know that you will be sharing important updates, great tips and information with them if they follow you.
You may be surprise to find out that almost everyone will click the follow button just to see what you’re up too!
Another thing that I feel that is important especially for Internet marketers is to seek out and follow the ‘gurus’ and the powerful users of Twitter.
This will benefit you in more than one way.
It will give you a bird’s eye view of what they’re doing on Twitter, so you can learn how to improve your own results and it will also put you in front of all the people they are in contact with.
Curiosity, you can’t fight it, so you may as well take advantage of it. People are curious by nature!
They like to see who is following who, so often they will click on the links and check out the followers of people they know and follow them as well and by following the
leaders, so to speak you may naturally end up will new followers as well.
Just try and keep your target market in mind when you choose ‘gurus’ to follow.
Now let’s talk about meeting even more people and making hundreds of new friends by using ‘retweet’s’.
With this method, you take the original twitter message someone else has posted, and rebroadcast that same message to your followers.
When broadcasting the message, you should definitely give credit to the original poster.
I know at first it may sound like this will only be good for the original tweeter, but retweeting can actually benefit you just as much if not more because;
1. It provides more value to your followers.
When you provide value to your followers, you make them happy! You are also more likely to attract followers. Providing quality content is always a great way to build your business no matter what platform you use.
2. It will benefit your brand.
If you point a reader to a source if good information that is truly relevant and beneficial to them, the amount of trust that they have in you will increase.
3. It will help you build relationships with the original posters.
Retweeting someone else’s content is an act of kindness, and for the most part bloggers like to return the favor. You shouldn’t expect someone to retweet your content just because you retweet theirs.
Just keep in mind that your chance of being on the other end of a retweet increases as you retweet.
Retweeting is all about providing value to your followers so if you want others to retweet your post then you want to make sure that you are providing them with quality content worth tweeting about.
The bottom line is retweeting is a great way to add quality and value to your Twitter page.
If done right, retweeting can help you educate your followers, build your personal brand, increase future traffic, and connect you to other great people in your niche.
Just be careful if you use it incorrectly, retweeting can actually hurt your personal brand and future traffic. You want to treat your followers like gold.
Don’t ever send them to inappropriate websites or spam them with one sales pitch after another.
Remember you want them to like what you have to say, so they will follow your lead. Then when you do recommend something to them you will get the results you are looking for every time!
Whether you want to generate more traffic to your site or you want to increase your social relationships, Twitting is a fun and exciting activity that you can quickly master and use to achieve your goals.
We already know that Twitter keeps people connected at all times.
Some people send tweets regularly (every day) and others only a few times a week. Since you are planning on using Twitter to build your business the latter is the best option for you.
That leads us to our first tool, Future Tweets. This works great if you aren’t able to send important tweets because you have other commitments.
It only takes a few minutes to set up and you can use to automatically post your prepared tweets.
It is very important that you don’t use this tool to auto spam your account with worthless information and constant offers. That will only lose you followers.
Here is an example of proper ways to use this tool would be to remind your followers of upcoming seminars or meetings, maybe even let them know about products and offers to help build a buzz.
You can find out more about Future Tweets here: http://futuretweets.com
Sharing pictures and product images is also possible with Twitter by using the tool Twitpic.
When you make new contacts there may come a time when you want to share some of your pictures with them so that they can get to know you and your business better.
Once you’ve created your Twitpic account you can upload your pictures and quickly post them on Twitter.
Another great thing about this tool is that it is also compatible with mobile devices which make it easier to share pictures from your mobile device.
You can find out more about Twitpic here: http://twitpic.com
If you are using WordPress for your blog, there are quite a few tools that you can use to automate your Twitter activities from inside your dashboard including:
TweetThis plug-in – It will encourage your visitors to tweet your blog post. TweetThis also adds a Twitter link in every blog post you create plus gives you the ability to shorten your blog post URL to fit the 140-character limit.
TweetMeme button – Helps other people to easily retweet your post on Twitter and it also shows a count of how many times your blog post has been retweeted.
Twitter Tools – This plug-in integrates your blog with Twitter by pulling all your tweets into the side bar of your blog. You can also use it to post new tweets from inside your WordPress blog.
You can find these and a whole slew of other tools specifically for wordpress by doing a search for ” Twitter WordPress plug-in”
Now let’s talk about Twollo. It is another Twitter tool that you can use to find people you want to follow.
Just type in the subject or topic that interests you and the tool will find people who are talking about the same thing and automatically follows them foryou.
And the list goes on. I could literally list hundreds of tools that work with Twitter for you, but then we would be stuck on this article for days, so instead I am going to suggest that you do a little home work after you are done reading this article.
All you have to do is open up your favorite search engine and do a search for “Twitter tools, plug ins and add-ons” you will find more that enough to meet your needs.
You can narrow your search even more if you are looking for something more specific.
For instance I did a search for “Twitter tools business” while I was writing this article and came across some that I didn’t know about.
I do want to tell you about one more tool that you can use to find out who you are following that isn’t following you back.
It’s Tweepler and all you have to do is type in your Twitter username and password and it will give you detailed list of who is following you and who you are following.
It also has a very nice point and click interface, so that you can quickly sort through your peeps.
It does take it a few minutes to populate the list but it is well worth the wait. You can find it here: http://tweepler.com
So, go do your homework and find some Twitter Tools that will work in your niche and start using them to make new contacts, automate your posts and promote your site even better with Twitter!
Let’s jump right in and talk about how you can use Twitter to conduct your market research.
Every business has a target market, but the simple fact is that many business owners often miss the mark because they don’t know the true needs of their market.
By using Twitter, you can easily listen to the needs of your prospects, the issues they are currently facing and the kind of help that they want.
Whenever you meet someone new on Twitter it’s a good idea to try to establish a good relationship from the start. Think like your customer.
You buy from people who you trust and like. Your target market also behaves the same way.
It is important, especially in social marketing that you get to know your clients and do your best to win their trust and confidence.
A good rule of thumb is to try and keep ninety percent of your tweets full of helpful content and try to limit your promotional ones.
By doing so, you can attract more followers and hopefully customers.
In order to show off your expertise on Twitter you will want to post quality content on your blogs, website and other sites, like article directory EzineArticles.com.
Then share them with your followers.
As we talked about in the last section there are a wide variety of tools that work with Twitter that will automatically check the blogs you’ve posted and share them instantly on your page.
Offering educational materials, seminars, video training and networking events will also go a long way when you are trying to convert your followers into paying customers.
As a matter of fast I recently came across a great website that allows you to stream live video on your Twitter page and chat real time with your followers, so if you’re not camera shy, plug in your webcam!
This will be a fantastic way to make an instant connection for you and your peeps.
You can find out more here: http://twitcam.com
There are so many different techniques that you can use to help the transition from follower to customer by using Twitter.
Just remember to keep the value of your content high and the volume of your promotions low and you will begin to see real results from your efforts.
As an Internet marketer one of your main promotional goals should be to dominate social networks and what better way to access the global market than through Twitter.
Simply by attracting followers and making friends you can quickly build a list of valuable leads.
Did you know that Twitter is considered to be one of the most effective and impressive ways to increase traffic?
Most people use Twitter simply to send tweets to one another and keep in contact with friends and family, but as an Internet marketer you can use it to drive traffic to your business sites if you know how.
Just imagine, with the increased traffic to your website, you can gain more subscribers, leads and convert them into paying customers which all leads to increased income.
As we talked about earlier, you need to spread the news that you’re on Twitter.
You will want to include your Twitter url in your email messages, post blogs and on your websites. That way, everyone will know that you’re using Twitter.
Believe it or not regularly updating your tweets will help you drive more traffic to your site. Avid Twitter users like people who post tweets regularly.
If you want to gain active followers through your tweets you will want to set up a schedule for posting and do your best to stick to it.
You will also want to make sure that you reply to the tweets addressed to you. I don’t recommend that you stay on the site all day or spend long hours tweeting away your time. Just pick a good time once or twice a day and login.
If you have a mobile device, all the better because you can sync it up with your Twitter account and you won’t have to worry about being away from your computer.
Don’t worry if your followers don’t become active right away. It may take some time, but they will begin to notice the times that you are more active and after a while they will join in your conversations, which is one of your main goals.
Just remember the basic rule we talked about previously “keep ninety percent of your tweets full of helpful content and limit your promotional ones” this way you will keep the followers that really matter.
While some personal tweets are a must if you want to help your followers get to know you, you will want to avoid sending out to many personal or unrelated tweets because it can actually cause you to lose followers.
After all there aren’t too many of your business contacts that will want to hear that you took a shower or what you had for breakfast, so keep your tweets focused!
By taking the time to build good relationships with your followers, you will be laying the ground work for converting them into lifetime customer for your products or business.
Establishing a good relationship with your followers is vital if you want to take advantage of the massive flow of traffic that pours through Twitter every day.
Here is a little checklist that you can keep handy:
– Let everyone know that you’re on Twitter.
– Send tweets regularly.
– Retweet good content.
– Reply to the tweets addressed to you.
– Pay attention to the kind of tweets you’re sending.
– Make the tweets personal, but not too personal.
– Most of all, build good relationships.
Using Twitter is fun and easy that is why is has such a big draw.
I’ll be honest, not everyone who uses Twitter as a marketing tool will be successful because it takes time, effort, and patience to see effective results.
But if you follow these steps regularly you should see an increase of activity and conversion.
By now you should have a basic plan and schedule for your Twitter marketing campaign.
Have you tacked your checklist from our last section somewhere close to your computer yet?
In this last section we are going to talk about some of the common mistakes that Twitter users make, so you can avoid making them.
The fact is millions of people are using Twitter to connect with each other all over the world, but as an Internet marketer there are some common mistakes that you will want to avoid making even before you start sending tweets.
Mistake number one:
The picture as your avatar in your profile is not yours.
I’m sure you’ve seen it. Some users don’t post their real picture. They use cartoon pictures, company logos, or their pet’s pictures.
Although the pictures are quite cute and may grab some attention, most Twitter users will appreciate seeing a real picture of you, especially if you are trying to connect on a business level.
When you post your own picture it lets others know that you are real and that you’re confident enough with what you do to let others see you.
You want people to recognize you as a leader in your market and having a face to go with a name always helps.
Depending on your niche you will want to choose a photo that represents business, For instance if you are have a children’s online book store you will want to choose a picture that shows your fun side.
On the other have if you are selling product to professionals you will want a photo that looks conservative and business like. A nice smile never hurts either.
Mistake number two:
Automatically sending the wrong type direct message through an AutoDM.
Earlier we talked about using the tool Future Tweets that automatically sends messages to people who follow you.
What we didn’t talk about was sending the wrong type of message with this tool and how it can lose you followers.
Direct messages can be seen as impersonal and pushy when they aren’t written properly.
If you decide to use a tool that automatically send messages to your new followers keep it simple and friendly.
A message saying ‘thanks for following me’ is fine, but sending automated messages promoting your business or product is not a good idea and most instances people will click the unfollow button right away.
Mistake number three:
Trying to build a huge following before you have done some tweeting.
People will not be interested in following you when they click on your Twitter page to see what you’ve got, and notice you don’t have much.
You need to have tweeted more than, “Trying to figure this Twitter out” and “I think I’ve got it figured out now.”
If you don’t know what to say, try “retweeting” (RT) some other peoples’ tweets that that are related to your niche.
Read what other people are tweeting about and reply to them, this will help start up a conversation.
Talk about market related news, what you’re doing on your business right now. That will give you several tweets to get the ball rolling.
Mistake number four:
Tweeting promotion after promotion.
Yes, you are using Twitter to promote your business, but posting one offer after another will only cause people to ‘unfollow’ you.
When people look at your timeline and notice that you aren’t posting anything of value to them they will quickly move on.
There are millions of Twitters to follow, why should they follow you when you’re only tweeting about promotions?
Remember this basic rule of sales “people want to know what’s in it for me”?
Twitter is a social network and you have to keep that in mind before you post a tweet.
When you are using Twitter for your IM business you must learn how to communicate and build good relationships with your followers before you start sending them with promotions.
Even if you already have a good list of leads, it is still not a good idea to barrage them with promotions. As we have talked about before, promotional tweets should be sent only in limited numbers.
These are just a few of the more common mistakes committed by new and old tweeters alike. Take note of them and don’t make the same mistakes.
The first thing is using the Twitter search feature. It is a very effective tool that allows you to check on yourself and your business.
You will be surprised to find out how much chatter takes place on Twitter.
By using the search tool you can quickly find out what others are saying about you and your business and learn from them.
If you find out any criticisms, think about them carefully. You can also make some adjustments to your business if there is a need to so that you ensure profitability.
The next thing is your Twitter background. The background on Twitter page tells a lot about your personality.
If you plan to use Twitter for Internet marketing you will want to make the background look more professional.
You can do this by using the basic customization tools that Twitter supplies to make some simple changes to the color scheme of your page.
For even more impact you may want to consider a custom designed background.
There are many editing programs that you can use to create your own graphics if you want to and if you do a quick search you will also find a variety of pre-made Twitter background available.
If you really want to go all out you can hire a designer to create one for you.
Capitalizing on Twitter’s popularity can be very rewarding and profitable for your IM business, but only if you know what you’re doing.
While I tried to cover the basics, there is always more to learn and you will want to continue education as you go along and as Twitter changes and grow I’m sure more great thing will come.
Just remember the basic rules, keep your checklist handy and you will be sure to see results from your efforts.