Social Media Marketing Principles


Becoming one of the most respected brands on the web in any niche requires a great deal of hard work and determination.

It necessitates a well-thought-out strategy, clever tactics, and a touch of good fortune.

To establish yourself as a major player in your chosen field, it is crucial to understand how to build an audience, cultivate their loyalty, and consistently draw them back to your website.

Achieving this goal involves implementing numerous small-scale techniques that distinguish exceptional brands from the rest.

Examples of such extraordinary brands include, The Verge, Mashable, Tim Ferriss, Smart Passive Income, Engadget, and Wired.

While these companies have the advantage of having built their reputation over many years and with significant investment in marketing and sales, the true differentiator lies in their strategies.

This report aims to reveal those strategies and provide valuable insights that set these top-tier brands apart from the rest. By reading this book, you will gain knowledge on:

– Maximizing the potential of your online brand
– Harnessing the power of social media to increase shares, likes, and followers
– Integrating social media with your website to achieve better synergy
– Identifying the most crucial social media platforms to be present on
– Establishing a professional brand image
– Creating attention-grabbing headlines
– Delivering genuine value to your audience
– Preventing the loss of followers
– Becoming an active member of a community
– Collaborating with influencers.

Provide Value

Thriving on social media requires understanding the single most important principle: providing value is crucial.

This means offering something tangible and beneficial to your audience, treating your social media as a valuable product or service rather than a mere tool to increase blog traffic.

This shift in mindset determines whether your social media channel succeeds or fails.

It is essential to give people a reason to follow you, share your content, and keep coming back to your page. Solely relying on people liking your brand is not enough.

But how can you provide value on social media? This can be achieved through various means such as entertainment, information, discounts and offers, and inspiration.

For instance, many fitness experts and enthusiasts have successful Instagram accounts that share images of people working out, looking fit, or enjoying protein shakes.

These accounts inspire their followers and provide value through well-composed and well-designed images.

By following such accounts, individuals gain regular motivation to pursue their own fitness goals.

Similarly, sharing informative posts on a Facebook account can provide value.

If you have a blog about online business, you can post links to news stories about SEO, content creation tips, and other relevant topics.

It’s important not to limit yourself to sharing only your own content, but also to find and share exciting content that your audience can benefit from.

This becomes easier if you have genuine passion for the subject matter, as you can effortlessly share the things you are already reading.

Another example of social media as a valuable product can be found on Pinterest.

Many Pinterest boards serve as collections of ideas for interior design, weddings, personal style, and more.

These boards attract a significant following and become go-to destinations for individuals seeking inspiration and ideas.

To gauge whether you are providing value effectively, ask yourself a simple question: if your social media channel were to disappear today, would your followers be disappointed?

We are not merely asking if they would notice, but if they would genuinely feel the loss of something they enjoyed. If the answer is yes, congratulations!

You are successfully providing value to your audience.

Don’t Just Promote

In order to succeed, it is crucial to understand not only what you should do, but also what you should refrain from doing.

The complete opposite of providing value is simply promoting your business, which unfortunately, many misguided small businesses tend to do on social.

These types of companies often come across as rigid and disconnected from their audience.

Examples include local service businesses like plumbers and removal services, as well as corporate operations such as EPOS providers and accountants specializing in time clock solutions.

These companies make the mistake of using social media solely for advertising purposes, posting messages like “Check out our website to see why we’re the best in the business!” or “Our software solutions are unparalleled!”

However, this approach completely misses the true purpose of social media.

It is important to avoid falling into this trap and refrain from such practices.

Post What YOU Would Want to Read

Self-promotion is often frowned upon because it lacks value.

People don’t appreciate being bombarded with advertisements, especially when they are trying to connect with friends and family on social media.

Engaging self-promotion shows a lack of understanding and can harm your reputation.

It may even drive away your audience, leading them to unsubscribe or leave your platform.

Imagine someone coming across a post claiming to be the best accounting company in their field. It’s unlikely that anyone would click on a post.

To ensure if your content is effective, ask yourself you would personally find interesting. Consider how you would feel if it appeared on your own home feed.

If you would be pleased and inclined to read and share it, then it’s suitable for your social media channel.

On the other hand, if you would ignore or feel frustrated by it, then it’s best to avoid such content.

Reflect on your own experiences on social media and analyze the posts that caught your attention and resonated with you. What made them stand out?

How can you replicate their success? Remember that your audience consists of real individuals who have the freedom to follow or leave you.

Therefore, it’s crucial to understand their perspectives. Put yourself in their shoes or create a fictional persona that represents your ideal customer.

By empathizing with them, you can create and share content that genuinely interests them.

For instance, if you sell fitness products, think about someone in your life who is always seeking advice but struggles to commit to a fitness routine.

This person becomes your target customer, and you can tailor your content to engage and interest them.

Learn How to Create Titles That Grab Attention

Developing the skill of creating and sharing captivating content is essential for building and expanding your presence on social media.

However, the most crucial aspect lies in crafting attention-grabbing titles for your posts.

Much like wearing the perfect suit to an interview, your title serves as the first impression for your audience.

The rise of clickbait demonstrates the significance of captivating titles.

Clickbait titles are designed to intrigue and entice readers, often by presenting a mystery or shocking statement.

Some even use intentionally peculiar language to pique curiosity and drive clicks.

Consider these examples: “Fitness Trainers Hate Him! Discover How This Man Defies Centuries of Fitness Advice,” “Unveil This One Strange Method to Eliminate Body Fat!” “A Man Reveals His Secret to Online Wealth…Prepare for Shock!” and “10 Instant Tricks for a Sexier Look. The Fourth One Transformed My Life!”

Each of these titles presents a sense of intrigue. Who is this man that fitness trainers despise? What makes the fourth trick so remarkable?

What exactly is the “weird method”? They entice readers by promising life-changing or controversial information.

These titles are engaging, captivating, and difficult to scroll past—especially when coupled with attractive images or before-and-after pictures showcasing incredible body transformations.

Understanding the ‘Value Proposition’

Understanding your value proposition is crucial as you navigate through your social media marketing endeavors.

It goes beyond simply focusing on your presence on social media platforms.

Your value proposition encompasses the very essence of your brand and the reason behind your business’s existence, often referred to as your ‘why’.

So what does this mean exactly? Essentially, it implies that you should strive to offer more than just a product or service.

Instead, you should aim to sell a dream, an idea, or something that has the potential to enhance people’s lives in some way.

There’s an old saying that goes, “You don’t sell hats, you sell warm heads.” This implies that what you’re selling is more than just the physical item itself.

It’s about the end result and the emotions that result from it. These emotions are what drive individuals to want to purchase from you.

To illustrate this point, let’s consider selling a fitness ebook. The value proposition in this case would revolve around the feeling of being healthy, attractive, and strong.

Encourage your audience to imagine what it would be like to have a six-pack, well-defined muscles, and the confidence and energy that come with it.

Similarly, if you’re promoting a money-making program, your value proposition should focus on the benefits of financial abundance, the absence of money-related worries, and the ability to indulge in luxurious purchases and travel experiences.

It would also include the attention and admiration one might receive from the opposite sex.

When you tap into the true value proposition of your business, you can create emotionally compelling content that resonates with your audience and captures their attention.

Always Deliver on Your Promise

Hold on a moment…

Did I actually suggest that you employ clickbait?

Isn’t clickbait essentially spam?

Indeed, it is. I’m pleased that you’ve recognized this problem. I’m not advising you to start sharing clickbait articles.

What I’m suggesting is that you can learn from clickbait articles. They stand out because they appeal to our emotions and make us curious enough to click.

The issue? They never deliver on their promises. They have become transparent and forced.

Frequently, you’ll come across articles claiming to reveal a “one weird trick” or a supplement that “should be banned,” only to find that they are just generic


Or you may watch a lengthy video building anticipation for “what happens next,” only to be disappointed by the lack of substance.

Often, you’ll have to navigate through numerous sliders filled with excessive advertising.

Consequently, you learn not to click on clickbait because it never fulfills its promises. It’s a catch-22 situation. So, what should an internet marketer do?

The solution is to take what works about these posts and avoid what makes them unappealing…

To elaborate, let’s take a step back and examine what’s wrong with a lot of internet content. The problem is that it doesn’t stand out in any way or offer anything unique.

In the fitness niche, for example, there are countless posts with titles like “The Top Ten Home Ab Exercises” or “How to Get Cut Abs.”

Chances are, you’ve read articles with these titles or similar ones numerous times. Once you realize this, you can see where the problem lies.

Think about it: would you click on it?

Would you click on an internet marketing post titled “5 SEO Tips”?

Probably not… it sounds incredibly boring!

Clickbait stands out on social media platforms that are saturated with this kind of content because it actually sounds interesting and looks unique.

Hearing about a “weird secret trick” is much more enticing than hearing about “5 ab exercises.”

However, the issue is that this technique is spammy.

So, what’s the solution?

The answer is simple: search for exciting information to share that deserves such an attention-grabbing title.

Instead of trying to deceive your followers, provide them with genuinely thrilling and one-of-a-kind insights.

There are numerous cutting-edge studies sharing new training methods that can yield incredible results. There are ancient and forgotten training techniques.

Additionally, there are more captivating angles on familiar topics, such as exploring the relationship between fitness and self-defense or how building muscle can impact your psychology.

All of this sounds much more interesting and engaging, and you can create post titles that are equally captivating and thrilling.

The significant difference now is that you will actually deliver substantial and compelling content when your audience clicks on those links.

By doing so, you build trust, and the next time they encounter one of your posts, they will believe that you will once again deliver on your promise.

By combining these methods, you can cultivate a devoted following of individuals who are genuinely excited and eager to see what your next post will be about!

Furthermore, when sharing content created by others, it is crucial to be just as discerning and ensure that it meets the same criteria: it sounds amazing and delivers on its promises.

Make Your Followers Feel Important

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve your social media channel compared to a large portion of existing channels.

However, it’s important to recognize that social media is not solely about showcasing content. It is a tool for communication, which requires a two-way interaction.

Even if you have exceptional content, if you fail to engage with your audience, it will feel like a one-sided involvement and eventually frustrate your followers.

Therefore, it is crucial to focus on the social aspect and actively communicate with your audience, treating them as valued individuals.

To achieve this, you can make following your social media channel an exciting lifestyle change and the first step towards a great journey.

For instance, if your channel focuses on fitness, signing up can be portrayed as the initial move towards achieving the desired body for your audience.

Interestingly, people who openly share their fitness goals often struggle to accomplish them.

This is because the act of sharing alleviates some psychological pressure associated with achieving a goal.

By making the act of following your channel a positive step, your audience will experience a sense of progress and accomplishment.

Clicking the “follow” button will make them feel like they are embarking on a transformative journey, leading to increased confidence, muscle growth, financial success, or improved relationships.

This positive feeling will provide them with a sense of gratification, reinforcing their decision to follow you.

Your role is to cultivate this feeling by positioning your social media presence as a movement or a statement.

Successful online brands often encourage people to “Follow and join the new fitness revolution!” or “Become part of an exclusive money-making community!”

This not only creates social pressure to join but also fosters a sense of belonging. People dislike feeling left out, but they love being part of something.

By combining these two emotions, you can greatly appeal to your audience and enhance their desire to follow you.

Furthermore, you can continue to make your followers feel special by addressing them as a collective group or offering them early access or exclusive information.

These tactics further contribute to their positive perception of your brand and generate excitement about being part of your community.

By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your social media channel stands out and provides a valuable experience for your followers.

What’s in a Brand?

Building a strong brand goes beyond a mere logo. It involves establishing your value proposition and understanding your “why.”

Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” concept emphasizes the importance of comprehending the three rings of your business: “What,” “How,” and “Why.”

While the outer ring represents the product or service you offer, the second ring focuses on differentiation and execution.

However, the inner circle, the “Why,” is the driving force behind your business and the impact you want to make.

By prioritizing your “Why,” you can create a brand that garners excitement and support.

Apple serves as an example of a company that began with their purpose, aiming to make computers fun, personal, and creative.

Their vision resonated with people and continues to do so, despite the advancements of their competitors.

Other companies also find success by aligning their products with a greater purpose, whether it’s promoting personal freedom, environmental sustainability, or financial independence.

Determining your brand’s reason for existence allows you to explore various avenues for expressing it, providing value through social media channels, and unleashing creativity in your marketing strategies.

Embrace your brand’s movement and vision, as it is more inspiring and engaging than simply stating what you sell, like washing machines.

Once you uncover the essence of your brand, you can find innovative ways to communicate it effectively.

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