Short Guidance Notes for Social Media

So, let’s talk about acing the social media game, shall we? There’s a ton of advice out there on how to make it on social media, but here’s my take it – Social Media Notes.

These notes are your ticket to becoming a social media pro in a jiffy.

Ready for the lowdown? Here are the rules to live by, the pitfalls to steer clear of, and some out-the-box ways to connect with others that actually work.

Keep in mind, these tips are short but-so impactful. Ignoring even one of them could spell trouble for your business.

Let’s dive in and make social media work for you!

The 15 Commandments of Social Media:

1. I always try to help others, no strings attached.

2. Patience is key when dealing with newcomers on social media; we’ve all been there.

3. Top-notch content is a must. When you forward valuable information, make sure to give credit where it’s due.

5. Gratitude goes a long way, so make sure to thank generously.

6. Let your true self shine through; nobody likes a cardboard cutout.

7. If you feel like your personality needs a boost, work on it and then flaunt it.

8. Blogging regularly and with insight is a great way to engage.

9. It’s okay not to know everything; just admit it and make an effort to learn.

10. Engage in real conversations, remember, there are real people behind the screens.

11. Carve out time for social media in your schedule and commit to it.

12. Utilize tools to manage your posts and track mentions, but remember, social media is just one part of your marketing strategy.

13. Strike a balance between automation and personal engagement; be present.

14. Don’t take yourself too seriously; share your flaws and funny stories.

15. Own up to your mistakes, learn from them, and move forward; dwelling on them won’t do any good.

The 15 Dumbest Mistakes to Avoid In Social Media

1. Don’t post those long, messy URLs. Use a URL shortener like to keep things tidy.

2. Avoid over-posting. Share only when you have something worth saying.

3. Space out your posts. Bombarding with 20 posts in 10 minutes and then disappearing for the rest of the day is not a good look.

4. Make sure your posts make sense. Just typing “ARGGHHH” without any context is more annoying than intriguing.

5. Keep the personal stuff to a minimum. Social media is for promoting business, so stick to 90% business-related content and less than 10% personal.

6. Don’t be boring. Posting about how good chocolate tastes (seriously?) or your breakfast choices is a sure way to put people to sleep.

7. Set up a profile picture. And make sure it’s a good one. A little investment in a professional portrait can go a long way.

8. Use a picture of yourself, not a puppy or a cheerleader (unless that’s really you).

9. Always give credit where it’s due. Attribute your sources correctly.

10. Double-check your facts before sharing them.

11. Stay civil. Disagreements happen, but name-calling and insults have no place online.

12. Keep your politics separate from your business. Mixing them can lead to unnecessary conflicts.

13. Avoid using TrueTwit. Making potential followers jump through hoops just to follow you is a quick way to lose them.

14. Acknowledge shares and retweets. Show appreciation and engage with those who help spread your content.

15. Focus on building relationships, trust, and community. While some promotional content is okay, prioritize sharing valuable content and interacting with your audience.

10 Creative Ways to Engage People On Social Media

1. Let’s start with the basics – acknowledging others is key.

Comment on your friends’ statuses and posts, reply to their tweets, interact. When they say something bright, funny, or helpful, show them some love.

Meeting them halfway is the quickest way to connect with others.

2. Give a little love back by liking and retweeting.

You might not be able to respond to everyone, but a simple like on Facebook or a retweet on Twitter can make someone’s day and make them appreciate you even more.

3. Instead of spilling all the beans, try teasing your readers.

Next time you post an article or blog post, give them a little taste that leaves them curious.

And don’t forget to include the link – the better the tease, the more clicks you’ll get.

4. Let’s have some fun – play “caption this photo.”

Find a quirky, bizarre, or funny photo, and ask your friends and followers to come up with hilarious captions.

5. Share some odd trivia and interesting facts to spice things up.

For example, did you know that Eskimos use freezers to keep food from freezing? Or that in the 1830s, ketchup was sold as medicine?

Here are some pages full of weird facts to get you started.

6. Let’s switch it up a bit – how about asking some weird trivia questions?

You can do this in two ways: ask a question they can find online or challenge them with something they can’t Google. Get creative and keep them guessing.

7. Time for a game of “who said it.”

Post a quote from a movie you’re watching and see if your followers can guess who said it and which movie it’s from.

8. Shake things up with a new profile photo.

While this works better on Facebook than Twitter, a fresh photo can catch people’s attention and make you stand out.

9. Get your followers involved with a game of “fill-in-the-blank.”

Make a statement but leave a word or two blank for them to complete. Keep it light and humorous, focusing on them rather than yourself.

10. Don’t be afraid to ask for thoughts, opinions, help, or advice.

People appreciate being asked and often provide thoughtful responses. Just remember to show your gratitude and thank them for their input.

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