Lead Generation with Social Media

3 Unique Ways to Use Instagram to Generate More Leads

You probably are already using several different social media sites to reach out to your target audience and generate leads.

However, are you utilizing your Instagram account to generate more leads?

While you may be using the platform to engage with your existing audience, it could end up being an ideal channel for your business to generate more leads.

Here are three unique ways that you can use your Instagram account to create more leads for your business.

Target and Retarget

A huge part of advertising on social media is user targeting.

This allows you to make the most of your marketing budget by only enticing the users who are most likely to be interested in your products.

When utilizing Instagram ads, you can use Facebook lookalike audiences and pixels to target the right users who have similar attributes to your existing customers.

This feature on Instagram allows you to reach potential leads effectively through Instagram’s adverts.

This ensures that your ads are seen by those users who might be interested in what you have to offer.

Humanize Your Business

Another effective way that you can use Instagram to generate more leads is by putting a human face on your business.

Consumers have grown tired of pushy sales messaging and in-your-face advertising. Instead, they want real interactions and a genuine relationship with your brand.

When you take the time to humanize your brand on Instagram, you can win the trust of potential customers, which will increase the likelihood that you can turn them into a lead.

Instead of just posting about your products, you can use Instagram to build relationships with your target audience.

Tell Your Fans’ Stories

When you can have your fans backing you up, you can strengthen the authenticity of your business.

Plus, when real people are vouching for you, you have a much better chance of building trust with a new audience.

This allows you to eventually draw in the new users and turn them into potential customers.

To generate more leads, use your Instagram account to tell real stories of existing customers and how your business has been able to make a real difference in their lives.

Using fan stories is an effective advertisement that provides a more genuine and human touch.

There are plenty of ways that you can use Instagram to attract high-quality leads for your business.

Implementing these three tips in your overall Instagram marketing campaign will help you gain new audiences and generate more leads.

4 Strategies to Gain More Leads with Twitter

When it comes to your business and Twitter, it can be difficult to justify your time on the social media platform when you don’t see any significant results.

However, before you throw in the towel just yet, Twitter is one of the best social media platforms for generating business leads, so you might want to give it just one more try.

Here are four strategies that you can start using today to help you gain more leads on Twitter.

Create a Committed Twitter Landing Page

It is imperative that you create a new page on your website that is exclusively for visitors from Twitter, rather than just using the link to your homepage.

Using a specific landing page is much more effective than merely directing people to your general website after you spent the time to narrow their focus to a particular special or offer.

Join Twitter Conversations

Getting actively engaged in a Twitter conversation can help you tap into industry-specific communities and attract the attention of your target audience.

Take the time to research the most relevant industry or event hashtags that are relevant to your niche and join in on the discussions by providing users with valuable advice.

While it’s alright to sneak in a marketing message from time to time, make sure you don’t overdo it and spoil the conversation with too much self-promotion because this can cause you to lose the trust of your followers.

Use Educational Content to Generate Traffic

One of the best ways you can succeed on Twitter is by sharing valuable content with your followers and educating your target audience.

Take the time to create useful eBooks, white papers or articles in your specific area of expertise and publish them on your website and share them with your Twitter followers.

As you send out a tweet with links to your educational material, you will start to generate more traffic to your website.

Take this strategy a step farther and create a particular landing page that requires users to sign up in order to download the material and start to build your database of potential clients.

Reduce the Number of People You Follow

When it comes to Twitter, many people are of the mind that you should follow the people that follow you.

However, when it comes to generating leads on Twitter, you need to make sure that you have a network of people who are genuinely interested in what you’re tweeting about rather than people who follow but don’t engage.

Twitter is a great place to get customers and generate leads quickly. With these four simple strategies, you can utilize Twitter to gain more leads for your business.

4 Ways to Generate More Leads with LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become the most extensive professional network in the world with over 100 million professionals using the platform.

When it comes to being able to generate more leads, it’s a lot like a steadily growing mutual fund, in that the more you put into it, the higher your returns.

With the right forms of targeting, pitching, and engagement, you can use your profile on LinkedIn to generate more qualified leads.

Use the Search Feature to Identify Prospects

Getting more likes and followers for your LinkedIn company page doesn’t always translate into more leads.

To utilize LinkedIn to generate more business leads, you need to connect with the right audience.

To start using LinkedIn’s search function, narrow down the specific job roles that you want to target; make sure to focus on those individuals who are more likely to understand the benefits of your products or service, as well as those who have the authority to make a buying decision.

After you connect with the right people, introduce yourself and your company in a light tone.

Make Your Profile on LinkedIn a Resource

As you start to gain more leads, you’ll need to start engaging your growing audience by sharing with them educational material that can help.

When you share valuable content with your LinkedIn connections, it will help to build your credibility with your target leads.

You can streamline the process of sharing content with your LinkedIn connections by using tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule your content.

Use LinkedIn Groups to Share Advice

One of the best ways to gain credibility in your industry and generate more leads is by sharing your insight and knowledge with the people you want to work with.

You can do this with LinkedIn Groups.

This feature provides a way for you to find people that have the same interests as you and who might benefit from your product or service and helps you warm up to them.

While talking in LinkedIn Groups, you want to look for posts that are getting maximum traction and participate in them.

While you are engaging with the group, make sure to offer advice in an educational way and avoid self-promotion.

Upgrade to Premium

Upgrading to LinkedIn Premium provides you with access to LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator tool, which you can use to narrow down your search to fit your ideal customer.

Then you can save the results and send significant leads InMail messages to introduce yourself.

Your lead generation process needs to be structured to be effective. Using these four tips and tools can help you build a steady stream of leads with LinkedIn.

The Best Ways to Generate Leads with Facebook

Facebook isn’t just a marketing tool that you can use to interact and engage with prospects, fans, and customers, but it can also be an extremely valuable tool for generating leads.

If you aren’t already taking advantage of Facebook’s potential to generate more leads, here are five ways that you can start utilizing the site to benefit your business.

Share Links to Your Content

The simplest way to give your Facebook fans the opportunity to convert to leads is by using the same content that you’re using to generate leads on your company site and share links to the content on your Facebook page.

This works exceptionally well if that link directs people to your landing page with a lead generation form that provides downloadable content.

Include Call-to-Action Buttons and Text

Even though Facebook no longer allows users to add call-to-action buttons to their main profile page, you can still add custom CTA tabs within it by using iFrames.

You can point these to your landing pages for free ‘downloadable content and other offers and start generating more leads.

Expand Your Reach

Reach is an integral part of any social media lead generation strategy.

HubSpot conducted a recent study that found that the number of fans a company has on Facebook has a direct correlation with the number of leads generated.

This means that every new fan or like your company page gets increases your chances that your content will be spread to more and more people.

Make sure it’s easy for people to become fans of your Facebook page by adding “follow me” buttons and links on your company website.

Add the Facebook ‘Like’ Plugin and Share Buttons to All Your Content

Along with sharing links to your content on your Facebook page, make it easy for anyone who’s reading your content to like your Facebook page and shares the content with their own Facebook network.

Add the Facebook ‘Like’  plugin and share on Facebook button to every piece of content that you publish to get that extra boost of reach.

Make it Difficult Not to Convert

One problem with generating leads with Facebook is that your prospects have to leave Facebook to complete a form on your website.

You can remedy this situation finding apps that will automatically convert new Likes of your Facebook page into new leads by providing them with a conversion form for an offer directly after they click “Like.”

Facebook has proven itself to be a potent marketing tool for businesses of all sizes.

Use these simple Facebook strategies to generate more leads for your business to convert more customers.

Top 3 Ways to Use YouTube to Generate Leads

When most companies think about how they are going to generate more leads, they typically gravitate toward pay-per-click advertising platforms like Facebook Ads and Google Ads, but often overlook the power of YouTube.

YouTube can be a fantastic platform for your business to capture new leads.

If you’re not already utilizing the incredible power of YouTube for your business, here are the top three ways you can use YouTube to generate more leads.

Use YouTube Cards to Drive Traffic

YouTube cards are a business’ dream come true because they provide you with the opportunity to add additional interactivity to the videos that you upload.

With the YouTube cards, you can add a call-to-action link to your videos and push viewers to take action.

This feature was first created for mobile users, so it is highly responsive with any device and means that you can now send mobile users from YouTube directly to your site.

Promote Your Landing Pages with End Screen

YouTube end screens is a  mobile-friendly feature that lets you end your videos with a call-to-action.

They can be used to prompt your viewers to check out your other videos, playlists, or channels.

They also allow you to encourage viewers to hit the subscribe button for your YouTube channel to promote your products, services, website, or newsletter.

Your YouTube video must be at least 25 seconds long to be able to add an end screen because it will appear in the final five to 20 seconds of the video clip

Connect with Leads Through YouTube’s Search Feature

Including a detailed video description on your YouTube videos can go a long way toward improving your discoverability.

The description of your video needs to be optimized with relevant keywords for YouTube, as well as for Google and other search engines.

Providing longer and more in-depth descriptions have a much better chance of ranking higher with relevant web searches.

This is because contextual keywords are at the heart and soul of YouTube and Google queries.

Make sure that you have in-depth and lengthy descriptions that include multiple relevant keywords and keyword variations.

You also need to make sure that the first few lines are interesting enough to grab the attention of your viewers.

Also, make sure to include links to your website in the first part of the description to increase your leads.

Despite its powerful potential to generate more leads for your business, only about nine percent of small businesses have a channel on YouTube.

Utilizing these three tactics will put you ahead of the competition and increase the qualified leads your business sees. 

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